Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mr. Teddy Bear & Mr. Piggy

The boys saw this craft in a library book and have been wanting to do it since. So, I would like to introduce you to Mr. Piggy (Rudy's creation) and Mr. Teddy Bear (Damion's creation). You gotta love the unique names they picked out.

Let's Go Fly a Kite

We had bought kites for the boys in anticipation of flying them at the kite event held by the library last weekend. Unfortuatnly, due to blizzard warnings it was canceled. It wasn't until Friday when we were able to take flight with our new kites. The boys had a blast testing their flying skills while mommy was kept busy running back and forth to get the kites once again up in the air. Our flying may have not lasted long due to the cold wind, however the short time we were out there got the boys begging for the next time!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Parenthood: Stage 1

Parenthood you hear has it's challenges but rewarding all at the sametime. You see parents and go, "I can do that", and sometimes think better. You see your girlfriends become amazing mothers (kristin) and think that doesn't look too hard. Then you have the joy of getting your own. The excitment of building a family and then the honeymoon stage shortly follows. Then you come to the realization that your life is, and will no longer be the same for the rest of your life. Jeff and I are at that place in our life in the realm of "what did we just do". However, the reward of being parents, being apart of those big moments and capturing the embaressing ones that will later haunt them...ahhh the sweet bliss of being called Dad and Mom.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Watch out Lenny!

Last weekend we flew out to Fresno to visit family and friends. We also got to stop at a few favorite places to eat (A shout out to IN-N-OUT, Japanese Kitchen, Roberteto's, and Jack n' the box). Thanks to our family and friends who were able to make the last minute child shower. Jeff and I both feel so blessed to have such a support group! While there we also got to watch Jill's recital, but before her recital Jason and Jeff hooked us up with some tunes. Catch it on the video!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Let's do the Zoo!

Jeff & I took the boys to the Denver zoo last Sunday. The zoo was having a free day so we took advantage of the beautiful day as well as the price. The boys really enjoyed the seals as wells as the elephants who were performing some tricks for the crowd. We brought a picnic lunch cruzed the rest of the facilities and then took off for home. It was an enjoyable day!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Welcome to Colorado!

Well this definetly is not California! This weekend we experienced our first real snow storm and we got almost a foot of snow! Jeff had to go out Saturday night and shovel the driveway. Then when we woke up Sunday morning we had to shovel it again. Later that morning we walked down the street to the ponding basin, with our little green snow disc, where we got to slide down the hills. It felt so wierd to just walk down the street and be able to play in the snow like we were at a snow park. I was speechless when some snowflakes fell on my glove and I could actually see the detail of each snowflake. The other thing about the snow here is how powder like it is. Luckily for me it's difficult to make snowballs because the snow won't compact. Unfotuantly it's really difficult to make a snowman with such soft snow.

Thanksgiving Week

My parents came for a visit this past Thanksgiving which allowed for us do some sight seeing, since we were able to take time off work. On this day we toured the Denver area. First we toured Hammond's candy factory (It's nothing like Willy Wonka's factory) then went to the Denver Art Museum (pictured on the left) better known as the DAM. Lastly we walked down 16th street mall and stayed for a theater production which was quiet interesting to say the least. The production was called "The Death of Tiny Tim" which is a comedy/ reality check in a rundown part of town. This was Jeff's most memorable moment because we were unsure exactly what we were going to get once we drove up to the building. However, it was pretty decent. For me it was visiting the DAM and seeing the history that came before us and what some people call art. A wall was dedicated for people to post on sticky notes what ART is to them. So, what is ART to you?